Cabana Labs

Crafting visuals for Verifyable identities in web3

Crafting visuals for Verifyable identities in web3

About the project

Sublight embarked on a journey with Cabana Labs to design captivating branding visuals that lay the foundation for their brand identity. Cabana Labs is dedicated to supporting Web3 projects in creating verifiable identities for their users, and we were thrilled to contribute to their mission. Our unique selling proposition? Beautiful and flexible website visuals, tailor-made to the client's specific brief. From icons to wallpapers, we crafted a cohesive visual language that reflects Cabana Labs' commitment to innovation and authenticity. The outcome? A very happy client and a truly rewarding project experience. Working with Cabana Labs not only resulted in a successful collaboration but also led to the forging of new friendships along the way.

Let's talk

Telegram is the fastest way to connect. But e-mail is great as well and we should definitely connect via LinkedIN.

You'll check in directly with CEO / creative director Max van Gorkum.


Reinier Claeszenstraat 24

chamber of commerce

Let's talk

Telegram is the fastest way to connect. But e-mail is great as well and we should definitely connect via LinkedIN.

You'll check in directly with CEO / creative director Max van Gorkum.


Reinier Claeszenstraat 24

chamber of commerce